the heron's journey
A new interactive concert
The Heron's Journey uses spoken storytelling, quilting, and paper sculpture to tell an allegory filled with magic, challenges to opposition, and transformation. Meet the title character Lake in various forms of self-discovery and take part in giving the story wings. Below you will find samples images, video excerpts, and testimonials. Click any image for a larger view.
photo by Angela Durkin, The Journal
photo by Angela Durkin, The Journal
photo by Angela Durkin, The Journal
Response and Praise for The Heron’s Journey
“How you manage to evoke a sense of curiosity out of that wise wizened crowd is beyond my understanding. You drew us into a tale in which we saw ourselves. In seeing ourselves reflected, we experienced empathy and understanding for others on other journeys. We experienced it. And you created a We in a darkened auditorium. The crowd became a community by sharing a deep experience that will resonate and ripple outwards.” -A.Y.
from Instagram: This felt like it needed a full post. Wow. This story was incredible. It felt so personal. It was definitely an experience watching and listening to this story. This one in particular made me cry on 5 different occasions. Stories have so much power and it’s so important to share then with others. You never know who needs to hear it. I felt like this story was something I needed to hear. Thank you @wvteller
“I think you have produced something that can make people think without throwing up guards.” -G.P.
”I kept thinking of people I thought it would help if they heard its message - kids I work with, youngsters who are different in whatever ways.” -WM
”Your story was perfect this evening. I am bi-polar. Years ago I had a psychotic breakdown. I went from being well accepted, included, productive, to . . . shunned and alone. I was different. The story this evening was perfect and timely! I was depressed and felt so “different.” My friends got me out of the house.….to participate with YOU! Thank you. So many people with mental health illness don’t quite fit! We have to fight stigma...” -S.
from Instagram: We saw [Adam’s] magical story “The Heron’s Journey” last night - it is not to be missed!
”My very favorite mythic adventure EVER (so far).” -FC
“Ferociously Good” -SB